Real estate purchase procedure in Djerba

4 steps to buy real estate in Djerba
For Tunisians:
For Tunisians, sales contracts are carried out without any particular procedure and without the need for any authorization.
For foreigners:
For foreigners, an authorization called "Governor's Authorization" must be filed with the Governorate where the property is located to obtain said authorization.
Any foreign person can acquire real estate in an urban or tourist area provided they obtain this authorization, which represents a condition of validity for the signing of the final sales contract.
The procedure for buying a property in Djerba is done in 4 steps:
1 Promise of sale
Private or authentic deed drafted obligatorily by a lawyer at the court of appeal and legalized at the town hall or cassation or even a notary if it is a registered property...
2 Governor's Authorization
The prior agreement of the governor where the property is located is subject to the following formalities…
3 Final sale contract
The contract must mention the number and date of the governor's authorization...
4 The additional or clarifying act
In the case of a subdivision, the sales contract may bear a parent land title. After the fragmentation carried out by the topography services, each apartment or lot will have a land title...